Do Pitbulls Attack For No Reason - World's Biggest Pitbull, Hulk, Has Puppies That Are Worth $100k - LADbible
It's essential to understand why this can happen to any canine. If it isn't about an attack on a child or a shooting by police, it's a tale of neglect or . It is very unusual to pitbull to . Like any other dog, they can become violent, aggressive, and mean through a lack of training, abuse, neglect, and . Pit bulls are not inherently dangerous. Montreal's Pit Bull Ban Is Getting Even Worse - The Dodo from Most attacks reported are made on or near the premises on people that they are not bonded with or they are not familiar to. Dogs have a native body language that they all speak. It is very rare for a pitbull to attack a human, but, just like with any dog, this might happen. People will call it a nice dog, a sweet dog, even the . Like any other dog, they can become violent, aggressive, and mean thro...